The Proposed Application - Operational

Figure SR3 auch23906

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The existing planning permissions will be regularised within a single planning permission for both sites.

Thornhaugh Landfill Site operations will continue as currently consented with landfilling of non-hazardous waste and stable non-reactive hazardous waste. There will be no new landfill cells in addition to those that are already permitted.  The landfill will still be subject to an Environmental Permit which specifies the types waste which are permitted for deposition at the site as well as the detailed measures necessary for the containment, management and monitoring of the wastes and the surrounding environment.

Mineral will still be excavated at Thornhaugh Landfill Site so that the landfill cells can be constructed, and stockpiling of materials brought into the site for use in landfill engineering operations will continue. Material imported for use in landfill engineering may be stockpiled on Cooks Hole Quarry.

It will still be necessary to excavate historically deposited waste from Phases 1 and 2 at Thornhaugh Landfill Site and place it within modern engineered landfill cells in accordance with the current planning permissions and Environmental Permit.

At Cooks Hole Quarry materials from the mineral stockpiles currently on site will be processed for use as will materials imported from construction operations at Thornhaugh.

The single access to both sites will remain in the same location on the A47.  No changes are proposed to the HGV traffic numbers already consented to use the access to the sites.

It is anticipated that operations at both sites will be complete by early 2042.

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