Environmental Statement Appendices
- Appendix ES1.1 Approved restoration scheme for Cooks Hole
- Appendix ES1.2 Approved restoration scheme for Thornhaugh
- Appendix ES1.3 Approved restoration profile for Cooks Hole
- Appendix ES2.1 Pre application advice
- Appendix ES2.2 Scoping request and scoping report
- Appendix ES2.3 Scoping opinion dated 23 November 2023
- Appendix ES2.4 Statement of Competence
- Appendix ES2.5 Developers Statement
- Appendix ES4.1 Surface Water Management Scheme
- Appendix ES4.2 Lighting scheme
- Appendix ES4.3 Tree protection scheme
- Appendix ES4.4 Soil handling and management scheme
- Appendix ES4.5 Noise Monitoring Scheme
- Appendix ES6.1 Biodiversity Net Gain Plan
- Appendix ES6.2 Statutory Metric Consented Restoration Scheme
Environmental Statement Figures
- Figure ES1.1 The site location
- Figure ES1.2 The planning application boundary
- Figure ES2.1 Locations of the developments considered in the cumulative impact assessment
- Figure ES3.1 Aerial photograph of the sites
- Figure ES3.2 Currently consented phases of Thornhaugh
- Figure ES3.3 Rights of way at different stages of the development
- Figure ES4.1 The proposed restoration profile
- Figure ES4.2 Proposed phasing of operations at the sites
- Figure ES4.3 Restoration plan for Cooks Hole and Thornhaugh
- Appendix ES6.3 Statutory Metric Proposed Restoration Scheme
- Appendix ES8.1 Ecological Impact Assessment
- Appendix ES9.1 Heritage Statement
- Appendix ES10.1 Annex A LVIA Graphics Figures 1 to 21
- Appendix ES10.1 Annex A LVIA Photomontages
- Appendix ES10.1 Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment
- Appendix ES11.1 Flood map for planning
- Appendix ES11.2 Greenfield Runoff Calculations
- Appendix ES11.3 Detention Basin Catchment area calculations
- Appendix ES12.1 Transport Statement
- Appendix ES13.1 Noise impact assessment
- Appendix ES13.2 Noise compliance monitoring
- Appendix ES14.1 Dust assessment methodology
- Appendix ES14.2 Wind rose for Wittering Airfield 2000-2019
- Appendix ES14.3 Beaufort Wind Scale
- Figure ES6.1 Cross sections through the proposed landform
- Figure ES6.2 Amenity access design
- Figure ES8.1 Habitat map for Cooks Hole
- Figure ES8.2 Habitat map for Thornhaugh
- Figure ES9.1 Cross section through the landform and Cooks Hole Farmhouse
- Figure ES10.1 LVIA study area and viewpoint locations
- Figure ES11.1 Current and proposed surface water management infrastructure
- Figure ES14.1 Location of dust sensitive receptors within 400m of the sites